4 min readJul 3, 2021 ETHBN to BONE merger


DogData is in process of the market launch of innovative mass and niche Web3 solutions for Pet Dog owners. Development of NFT’s for cross block ( known as oracle technology ) domestic Pet Dog sales and an Oracle-based Uniswap v2 fork for trading initially the very popular erc20 and bep20 Dog meme tokens which have been trading in a frenzy for most of 2021.

The project’s tokens have weathered very well in the recent crypto market token price crash and the project’s newly merged BONE token is now poised for a surge in value evolving from a merger of EtherBone erc20 and the BONE erc20 token. There will be after this merger a considerable increase in the BONE tokens market liquidity.

All of the EtherBone (ETHBN) tokens in the market will be swapped to BONE (BONE) at the ratio of 300 ETHBN to 1 BONE between 5th and 7th July 2021

the BONE token Dog Swap token will traded from the 7th of JULY 2021 on CEX Bitforex, CEX Hotbit, CEX Probit and DEX Uniswap (V2) from the 12th of July CEX Probit Korea

What is a BONE token ( Dog token Swap token ) ?

BONE, the ShibNFT project’s innovative Legacy token. Used both as the pooling token for the Dog token Swaps and NFT payment tokens for selling and buying real life Pet Dogs.

The BoneToken project aims to become the common Cryptocurrency for Dog meme token trading, the potential emerging Billion Dollar real Pet Dog ownership NFT market and the existing Trillion dollar pet Dog Food and product market.

Use Case ; BONE token

ShibNFT is designed to be the most interesting, innovative and useful NFT Web3 environment for both real Pet Dog owners and Dog meme token collectors.

DogData is an established community-driven DeFi protocol with already over 100,000 American and European registered Pet Dog owners beginning decentralized certification of Dog ownership across block using Oracle technology and NFT’s. forks the Pancake swap AMMA creating a specifically Dog themed Defi trading environment for ERC20 and BEP20 Dog meme Tokens for the enthusiastic existing Dog token holder community. offers unique Dog token pool yield farming where every trading pool’s TopDog SuperDoge NFT owner earns 20% from the fees from that respective Dog Breed tokens trading pool. (Remaining 80% of the fees are paid back to that Dog tokens pool’s other traders.)

BONE token Consolidation & Expansion Plan

LOCK and remove 75 % of ETHBN supply

DogData will lock away 75 % of the ETHBN which are within the DogData reserve wallets and effectively remove these ETHBN from the circulation supply. DogData then cannot swap these ETHBN into BONE.

Swap ETHBN into BONE

  • Swap 250,000,000 ETHBN currently in the market into BONE
  • Swap ratio 300:1, 300 ETHBN = 1 BONE
  • Swap automatically all ETHBN to BONE on Bitforex
  • Swap automatically all ETHBN to BONE in DogData platform wallets


  • Removing excess liquidity decreases the risk of price dumps
  • Everything happens automatically for ETHBN holders on Bitforex and in DogData platform wallets

300 to 1 Swap Ratio

The flowing table shows pricing information from Bitforex and Hotbit used to determine the swap ration of 300 ETHBN to 1 BONE.

Market Price Driven

  1. 0.000701 USDT/ETHBN was the total value of the first 500 USDT worth of buy orders in the Bitforex order book. Converting this value at the swap ratio equals 0.2103 USDT/BONE
  2. 0.000751 USDT/ETHBN was the total value of the first 500 USDT worth of sell orders in the Bitforex order book. Converting this value at the swap ratio equals 0.2253 USDT/BONE.
  3. 0.2041 USDT/BONE was the total value of the first 1,000 USDT worth of buy orders in the Hotbit order book.
  4. 0.2450 USDT/BONE was the total value of the first 1,000 USDT worth of buy orders in the Hotbit order book. Note that there were small sell orders below this value and that the total amount for sale at this level exceeded 4,500 USDT.


  • Swapped ETHBN holders now can buy BONE at lower rates
  • Swapped ETHBN holders now can sell BONE at higher prices

Benefits for all holders

Increases Liquidity

  • BONE on Bitforex USDT & ETH
  • BONE on Hotbit USDT
  • BONE Uniswap V2 ETH
  • BONE on Probit USDT
  • BONE on Pancakeswap BNB

Increased market activity

  • More exchanges
  • More traders
  • More movements
  • More arbitrage opportunities

Special Offer

ETHBN holders

Any investor holding ETHBN in their private wallets can swap BONE by contacting our CFO on telegram @DDGoalCFO to arrange the swap transfer.

Special swap offer

DogData is offering special swap rates for holders willing to lock BONE for a short time period.

  • 30 days lock
  • 60 days lock
  • 90 days lock
  • Longer

Contact our CFO on telegram @DDGoalCFO, with a number of ETHBN and time lock period.

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Written by BlockPuppys is a decentralised NFT Dog world for collecting both BlockPuppys and HashPuppys or Swapping liquidity into 300 SuperDog Defi token pools

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